March 04, 2016

Fitness Friday: Getting Back on Track!

Phew! February was a bit of a rough month since I was sick for like half of it, so I didn't really see much point in doing fitness recaps since I wasn't really doing anything "fitness-y" anyway. But I'm happy to be back at it and I had a pretty great week of workouts!

Rewinding to last Friday:
  • Evening BodyPump class at GoodLife Fitness. I officially got my butt back into the gym on the Wednesday before that for a BodyPump class, and it felt good to do two classes close together. It was a nice start to my weekend! (9,017 steps taken)

  • Off (10,903 steps!)

  • BodyPump date with all of these lovely ladies! BodyPump is a great class, but it's even more fun when you go with your friends. Terrible step day though as my Fitbit died sometime in the afternoon: 4,965 steps.

{Jo, Ashley, Becky, Kaella, Kris//Me, Jen & Leigh}

  • Off. I needed to recover from the weekend's festivities! I was also too lazy to go get my Fitbit charger from my vehicle (where I charge my Fitbit) so I only logged in 2,977 steps for that day. Although I'm sure that's not far off from my actual number!

  • BodyFlow at GoodLife Fitness. I'm always hesitant to bother going to this class, thinking that it's not enough of a workout, but this class seriously challenged me! I'm really digging the combo of tai chi, Pilates and yoga and need to start going regularly. Plus, the relaxation period at the end of class is heavenly. (8,759 steps)

  • Back to BodyPump! I upped my weights a bit and am I ever feeling it today! (10,330 steps!)

  • Off. 3km brisk walk pushing Sully in the stroller. (10,330 steps at time of writing this).

So not too shabby! I'm going to have to try out childminding at the gym again because I don't always want to go in the evenings, and then I also miss bedtime every time I go, but at least that option is there for me. 

And other than those two days where I didn't charge my Fitbit, I'm pretty happy with the steps I logged. 

On the books for this weekend: hopefully an evening BodyPump class again, and then I'm not sure about the weekend. I'm expecting my best friend to come down with her three kiddos for a visit, so I'm sure my "workouts" will consist of running around after the kids, ha!

How was your week of workouts?

Anything fun planned for the weekend?

*Linking up with Kris from Canadian Girl Runs for Fitness Friday and
Jill Conyers for Living a Life of Fitness Health & Happiness!

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