October 05, 2015

Weekending: A Concert, Oktoberfest Run & Heritage Park

Usually weekends just fly by, but for some reason, this past one felt pretty long. Maybe because we finally accomplished a project around the house?! Jim took Friday off of work so we had a three day weekend which is always great.

While Sully napped on Friday, we got the last coat of paint up in our laundry room. This room makeover started weeks ago, so it's so nice to have it all done. Now I just need to find some art work for the walls and decide on weather I want a curtain for the window or not. My laundry room makes me SO happy and I'm not embarrassed to admit it.

 Once Sully woke up and got to supervise the last few touch ups, we headed out to get Jim's passport photo taken and then a quick stop at the grocery store. That evening, Jim and I headed out on a little date night to the Dean Brody and Paul Brandt concert! This was our first concert since we saw Godsmack more than a year ago! Our best concert days seem to be behind us, but there are still a few acts that we feel inclined to see when they come through. We saw Paul Brandt perform in Chilliwack years ago and it was a fantastic concert. It was small and intimate and he played all his greatest hits. Friday's show, while at a much larger venue, also ended up being a performance of greatest hits. I actually preferred this, but Jim was hoping to hear his newer material. Dean Brody put on a great show, although I realized I don't actually know as many of his songs as I thought I did! Our seats were awesome though and it was so nice to get out together. HUGE thanks to Aunty Max and Uncle Berry for babysitting Sully that night!

Saturday we all had a big sleep in. I may have even snuck into the basement early in the morning to get a few extra uninterrupted hours of sleep (we went to bed WAY too late Friday night). Then in the afternoon I made my way over to Spruce Meadows to run the Oktoberfest 5K race in support of the Calgary Food Bank. It wasn't my best run, but it wasn't my worst either. I'll recap the race later this week!

{Me, Victoria & Ange}

That evening, Sully and I shared our first bowl of popcorn and it was a huge hit! I was impressed just how much the kid could put back. Once Sully went to bed, Jim and I watched 4 episodes of The Walking Dead and would have kept watching if we didn't have a little alarm clock waking us up at 7 a.m. We just started season 3 and I think every episode ends with a cliff-hanger now!

Sunday, after a lazy morning, and after Sully's too-short afternoon nap, we bundled up and headed over to Heritage Park for an hour. It was chilly out and we practically had the whole park to ourselves. I'm so glad we went though - Heritage Park is beautiful in the fall and I wish I had taken my big camera with us. Before leaving, we got in a carousal ride and then of course a train ride which just made Sully's whole day. He is quickly becoming obsessed with trains and if you even say the word "train" around him, he responds with "Choo-Choo!". It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Heritage Park Train Ride
Heritage Park Train Ride
Heritage Park Train Ride
Heritage Park Train Ride
Heritage Park Train Ride
Heritage Park Train Ride

After dinner, we did the usual - puzzle making, book reading and of course, some video watching. Sully loves to watch videos of himself on our phones and will sign "more" after each one is over. After he was tucked into bed, another 4 episodes of The Walking Dead were watched because we just get enough. I'm also pretty sure I will have zombie nightmares tonight.

How was your first weekend of October?