On Friday, it literally poured all day. And I mean poured! Luckily, Sully and I didn't have any where to be so we had a quiet day at home before picking up Jim from the train station.
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{18 months young!} |

Later in the morning, the sun came out so we went for a big walk around the neighbourhood. Sully loves being in the chariot as opposed to his stroller. As we were heading back to the house, we let him out so he could splash in some puddles, which is his new favourite thing to do.

After nap time, I snuck out of the house to get groceries, but not before spending an hour at Winners trying on clothes. I only left with one top, but shopping without the pressure of a toddler about to explode at any second has got to be one of the best things ever, ha! Sully spent the afternoon "working" in the garage with Jim (his favourite room of the house - both of theirs), but also likes to take "breaks" and bark orders from in the chariot. I think his favourite book, The Boss Baby, is not a good influence.

Sunday was Jim's birthday and we first celebrated by all sleeping in! Then Jim and Sully got in some solid block building while I cleaned up the main floor. Our friend's, Kate and Dan, and their baby, came over in the afternoon for dinner and birthday cake. We made Grilled Chili Honey Lime Chicken Thighs on the BBQ (sans the sauce), which are delicious! It was our second time making them and they were just as good as the first time. I'm not much of a baker so I went with a store bought cake, and it was a huge hit! Sully was digging in even before Jim could blow out his candle. Yes candle, singular. And it's a tea light. #wifefail

Later in the evening an old friend of ours was in town and popped over for a visit. Sully was in heaven having all these people to entertain all day long and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow (figuratively speaking, as he doesn't actually have a pillow in his crib). Some story reading before bed, then some Walking Dead for us, and just like that, another weekend has come and gone.

Tell me something fun you got up to this weekend!