But this year marked a change in my feelings towards Halloween and the Halloween's to come. Because now, I'm a mom, and this year, I've realized just how much more fun Halloween is when you have a kid. I didn't go all out - no decorations this year since we weren't home for Halloween anyway and I didn't make him a costume like I thought I might be inclined to do - we have many years to get super creative in the costume department! This year I chose to dress him up in one of those super cute puffy costumes. Seriously, is there anything cuter than a baby in a costume?! I don't think so.

A few days before Halloween, my mom's group had a little Halloween party for all the babies and it was pretty much the funniest thing ever. There seemed to be a lot more crying than usual and I think it's because the babies didn't know what to make of the other babies in costumes! The puffy style costumes are also a little "top heavy", so at any given moment there was usually a "baby down".

On Halloween day, we stopped in Red Deer on our way home from Calgary so Sully's cousins could see him in his costume. We also took Sully out trick-or-treating with them. While he had no idea what was going on, (or that he was collecting candy for his mom), he was a trooper, staying up way past his bedtime.

Hard to believe that this time last year Sully was just a bun in my oven. And next year he'll be able to walk up to the doors holding my hand! I should probably start costume brainstorming now! I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween weekend!