That being said, as fall wraps up and winter threatens to make its appearance, I'm currently…

Thinking about: Time. How fast it passes, how there never seems to be enough of it in the day, how I wish I could slow it down some times. But we can't, and the scary thing is, as we age, time only passes even faster. Yesterday, my baby was just a newborn, today he is 8 months old, and tomorrow he'll be going to kindergarten.
Reading: Oh, my dear friend, reading. It's been a struggle to find time for you. I have so many books "on the go", it's embarrassing. And it's cluttering up my end table. I'm having a lot of trouble finishing books these past few months, not because they aren't good, but because I often turn to my phone to read something quickly rather than flip through the pages of a book. Is it because it takes less brain power to read an article on the internet than to engage in my current read? No need for recall of pages previously read? No guilt when I update my goodreads reading progress and see it took me three weeks to read 20 pages? Even the pressure of book club hasn't been enough to get me to read lately. I'm hoping that this is just a phase and that once the colder weather is here to stay, I will be more inclined to curl up with a good book in the evenings.
Listening to: Kaleo. I'm loving this song so much right now (well, actually, anything by this band):
Missing: My sister. I never thought that we would live our adult lives not only in different cities, but different provinces. Growing up, our five year age gap meant we fought more than we got along, but now that we are adults, my sister is, without a doubt, my best friend. She recently visited us for 4 days, and Sully and I had the best time with her. It was so hard to say goodbye, but I think the hardest part of living far away from each other is the knowing that it will probably always be that way. Which means hard goodbyes and the missing of each other is never going to go away. And that makes me sad. But also so very thankful that I even have a sister in which to miss so dearly.
Looking forward to: Sully's first Halloween! Is there anything cuter than a baby in a costume? It doesn't even really matter what their costume is, they're guaranteed to look cute.
Your turn! What's your favourite thing about fall? Reading any good books right now? What new song do I need to add to my playlist? Let me know in the comments!

Looking forward to: Sully's first Halloween! Is there anything cuter than a baby in a costume? It doesn't even really matter what their costume is, they're guaranteed to look cute.
Your turn! What's your favourite thing about fall? Reading any good books right now? What new song do I need to add to my playlist? Let me know in the comments!
I love fall ... it's my favourite season. Of course I feel like this one was cut short! Once the leaves turned, the wind picked up and blew them all away and now the snow came ... Of course, I love winter, too. I'm just not a summer person.
ReplyDeleteLOVE that picture of you, your sister, and Sully! That's too bad that you both live so far away from one another. I never knew that sister bond since I have brothers. It's just not the same!
What's Sully being for Halloween? LO is a lion ... so cute! His costume JUST fits, too. I look forward to going out to meet some neighbours with him. I feel like he'll ease my nervousness since I'm not good meeting new people!
And here I thought the leaves on the trees lasted so much longer than in recent years! Unless it was more windy out your way…! It is too bad my sister lives far away. Especially now that she's an aunty. It makes our visits that much more special, but I'd still rather have her closer :)
DeleteSully is going to be a bat for Halloween! It's pretty darn cute. We'll be in Red Deer for the evening so he can trick or treat with his nephews, i.e., collect candy for his mommy, haha!
Oh, and I hope your reading gets better! I was actually really good when LO was super little since he'd feed FOREVER. Then there was a bit of a space when he got mobile and I got more mobile and I'd do 20 pages a night. Sounds good, but when you're reading Diana Gabaldon that means you'll be reading that book for months. Lately I feel like I'm finally getting my groove back and LO will almost be a year! He's pretty predictable with naps and sleeping, though, so that helps. I'm terrible with book clubs, so I doubt that'd keep me on track. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure if Sully actually napped, I would read more than I do! And that's funny because I AM reading Outlander right now and my progress is craaaawwwwwling!
DeleteBrie, your post was so beautiful, i am crying like a baby over here! You are an amazing writer and honestly such a beautiful soul. You are one of my biggest role models in life, and always will be. I couldn't be more grateful for the friendship we have created over the years, and to be able to call you my best friend. (I think i wished for that to happen our entire childhood haha) I love you so much.
ReplyDeletePS: Thank you for creating the most perfect baby, i love being his auntie more than anything.
Oh dear, crying now. Love you so much xoxox. Watching you and Sully together made my heart burst. He's so lucky to have you in his life.
DeleteYour son is SO darn cute!! Don't fret over the reading, I promise you'll be reading again soon enough. I just finished The Fiery Cross and it took a month to read. It seemed like forever. I was happy to be done with it but then I find I miss the characters. Not ready quite yet for the next one.
ReplyDeleteSisters are one of the greatest gifts to be blessed with in life. I have two and before I moved four years ago we all lived within a couple miles of each other and a few times in our life it was blocks from each other. Now I am 20 miles from them and it feels like another "province" as you say.
Fall is by far my favorite season although we still have temps in the 70's here. Unfortunately, our seasons are not always distinct with summer starting early and ending late. Too much summer for my liking. Still thinking of last year when we were in your neck of the woods and experiencing such a lovely autumn. I would return there in a heartbeat
Aw, thanks so much Lori! That's funny, because the book I'm reading (or pretending to read) right now, is Outlander. At this rate it will take me years to read through the series! But I know, it won't always be like this, I will find time and my love for reading…hopefully! ;)
DeleteI would give anything now to live only miles from my sister…so lucky for you 3 to be so close together. I guess I should just be grateful that we so close as I know that just being sisters doesn't imply being close.