Dear Sullivan,
How are you already 5 months old? It's true what they say - the days are long, but the years short. I'd have to say this has been one of my favourite months so far. Your little personality is really developing and I have moments where I can envision the little toddler that you are going to grow up to be. You are so much fun now, constantly demanding my attention to be entertained, ever curious about what I'm doing, touching, and saying. So much so that you rarely want to nap during the day!

While napping is your least favourite activity, you are sleeping well at night in bed with me, with the occasional nighttime feeding. I really can't complain as we both seem to be getting a good amount of sleep at night. I'm still enjoying these early days where you will sleep-in with me in the mornings. This is one of my favourite times of the day, taking in your sweet smells, your deep sighs and when you do awake, your huge grins when you see my face. We usually lounge in bed for awhile before facing the day.

You had your second set of immunizations this month and once again, you took them like a champ! And mommy didn't cry this time either! We popped back into the health clinic when you turned 5 months to check your weight and height and you're weighing in at a solid 15 pounds and 9.5 ounces and are 25 and 3/4 inches long. Your weight and size finally seem to be catching up with you, but you are not a big baby by any means. You're mostly in 3-6 month clothing now, except for some bottoms as you're still pretty tiny throughout the waist. You still nurse on demand, about every 3 hours during the day, but the feedings are short and sweet. Some times you just need a quick snack and you are back to your happy self within minutes. You'll still periodically take a bottle of expressed milk when needed, but you cry for your mommy if I'm not there to put you to bed (your poor Daddy).

This past month you've really found your voice! You babble non stop, especially when you are playing on a blanket on the floor or in your crib. And when you're in the jolly jumper, look out! Sometimes you shriek and happy-scream the entire time you are in it. Speaking of the jolly jumper, you are a natural little jumper, Sully. You knew what to do in it from the very first time we put you in it. We like to play music for you while you are jumping, and the louder and more up-beat, the better! So far your favourite songs to jump to are The Thong Song and anything by Pitbull. And when you're ready to come out, it's one of the funniest things ever. You immediately start crying, complete with crocodile tears, but you won't stop bouncing.

We also started Mommy and Baby Salsa dance lessons this month. I wear you on me and we dance away for an hour. You never make a peep during the class, and while I thought you might fall asleep in your wrap like most of the other babies in the class, you prefer to stare at the colourful disco lights on the wall. The last few minutes of the class are spent on a yoga mat with mommy doing exercises overtop of you. You think this is the most hilarious thing ever and are sure to let the rest of the class know this by shrieking as loud as you can!
You're still not rolling over much yet, although you have a few times, but mostly you just get onto your side and stop because those silly arms of yours get in the way. I blame lack of tummy time for this. But your neck is super strong and you're able to hold it in line with your torso when I pull you up into a sitting position by your arms. Also, you much prefer to "stand" than sit with support. I've put you in your bumbo chair a few times, but you haven't been that impressed with it.

I think you've started teething, although I can't see that any teeth are starting to poke through. But you drool a lot and you suck on your fingers constantly. Your dad and I have bought you countless things to suck and teethe on, but you still prefer your fingers. Sometimes even when we're nursing a finger of yours will sneak in.
Sully, despite the whole not napping thing, you truly are a happy baby. And when you aren't happy, it doesn't take much to make you smile again. Usually a change of scenery is all you need. Unless of course it's around bedtime, then it's just me you need. And while I wish you would let your daddy put you to sleep on occasion, I really don't mind being needed so much by you. I know one day you won't "need" me so much, and until then, I will savour every snuggle, every cuddle, every moment you let me hold you.
Love you to the moon and back,
Your Mommy xoxo
He's seriously SO sweet! His eyes!! Love monthly updates :) Savour those snuggles because you will totally miss them when they're gone. I know I definitely do! xo
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tawyna :) Now if only I was as skilled of a photographer as you!
DeleteAwwww this was so sweet. Happy 5 months to my fave lil guy !! Can't wait to see him again!
ReplyDeleteFeels like forever ago you were here last :(
DeleteI love all these pictures, they're so adorable! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Leanne :)
DeleteWhat a cutie!! Love those gummy smiles. :) I'm missing those since my guy has 8 teeth already! I think that's about the time he started ... now they won't stop popping up! And Lucas never liked the bumbo either. I returned it after 2 days! That's too bad Jim can't put him to sleep ... hopefully one day he'll let him!
ReplyDeleteWow, 8 teeth! That seems impressive? ;) It's just as well that neither of our boys like the bumbo - I've read a lot of articles stating how bad they are for babies' spines and how they don't promote learning to sit or core support anyway. (Obviously everything in moderation…) I bought it off one of the fb swaps for cheap so I'll just resell it! I guess we just have a momma's boy on our hands right now ;) He goes to bed pretty easily, but it has to be me to do it!
DeleteLove, love, love the pictures... He has so many different expressions! It's going to be so much fun to watch him grow...
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how much John and I enjoy your monthly pictures and update on Sully's progress!! Between your blog and Skype, we don't feel quite so far away.
ReplyDeleteThank you :) It's one of the reasons I love doing them - so family far and wide can enjoy watching him grow up too :)
DeleteLove that smile! Every time I read one of these posts, I wish that I'd done a better job of writing down Marko's changes month-to-month. This is such a special thing that you're doing to record Sully's growth, as it's amazing how much they change in such a short period of time! I'm just starting to work on an album of photos (18 months worth, it's overwhelming!) and will try to sprinkle in a few little written memories here and there so that I don't forget all of the little baby stuff =) It's so hard to find the time though -- I am seriously wowed and impressed by your mommy blogging skills!
ReplyDeleteAww, Melissa, your comments always make my day! I'm so lazy and such a procrastinator when it comes to things like this, so I'm really proud of myself for sticking to it. I jot down little notes in a notebook beside my bed during the month so I don't forget things. Plus, milestones and little things really start to blur! I haven't written one single thing in his baby book though! But I'm hoping these posts will be enough to transfer the info one day haha! I also wish I had been more on the ball of doing things like "a photo a day" etc. But too much commitment!