Reading: A whole mishmash of books. I can't seem to finish a book, so I have several on the go: The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems, Baby-led Weaning, and An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. (This doesn't include past books I'm still working on finishing…The Happiest Baby on the Block, Listen to the Squawking Chicken and The Kind Diet). I was really hoping that An Abundance of Katherines would a quick, fun read, but it's not grabbing me at all. John Green fans out there, does it get better? I'm about 100 pages in and struggling to bring myself to pick it up to read anymore.
On Repeat: When Love Breaks Down by Snow Patrol. Had we not recently watched the film, I Give it a Year (so good by the way - highly recommend it if you like British comedy), I wouldn't even know it existed.
Watching: We FINALLY finished Lost. Like I mentioned before, we lost momentum in the last season, but it was nice to finish it off. My mind is still running through the whole series, trying to make sense of everything that happened. I felt so emotionally drained the few days following the very last episode - so much to process! And it's always sad to say goodbye to characters you've invested so much time into. (Sawyer - you're the best character ever and we miss you!). We aren't starting a new series until we finish up some ongoing projects around the house, but in the meantime, we have How I Met Your Mother to keep us entertained.
Obsessed with: Do you ever intentionally keep things on your Facebook or Twitter feed just for the drama it provides? I don't know why I do this, but it's like a car wreck - it's hard to look away (or block in this case). I joined the Baby-led Weaning Facebook group and my word, I have never seen such a mean-spirited, unsupportive group of women before in my life! People are constantly being attacked for asking simple questions and most of the threads are spent with people spewing passive-aggressive and negative comments back and forth at each other. A lot of it is due to people not knowing how to incite tone into their comments, but still! I'll give myself the rest of the week to enjoy the drama, and then I'll leave the group. Promise.
Eating: We're starting to seriously rethink our eating habits as we get ready to introduce solids into Sully's diet. I don't want to turn into a parent that eats food that is good enough for me, but not for baby. We should all eat healthful, nutritious foods, not just Sully. And I truly believe that being a good role model when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle starts at home. Monkey see, monkey do.
Looking forward to: Sully's first tooth cutting through! Teething is a bitch, I tell ya.
Your turn! Tell me two things you're currently up to in the comments below!
Or feel free to do your own Currently post and leave me the link so I can check it out!
Katherines isn't my favourite John Green novel, and it's unlike any of his others. My personal favourite is Paper Towns, although I'm hesitant to recommend that one because I read it while my dad was in the hospital immediately after his accident, and I think part of my attachment to the story comes from the particular life events happening around me, and that book was just the right kind of escape for me. I love Snow Patrol! We went to see them in concert just before we got pregnant -- they put on an amazing show! But I feel like we talked about our shared love for SP at some point a while ago? ;)