Reading: Baby-led Weaning by Gill Rapley. The whole approach to baby led weaning makes so much sense to me. Before reading the book, I thought I was going to start Sully on rice cereal this month as he has been showing quite a bit of interest in food, but now that I'm almost through Baby-led Weaning, I've decided to hold off until Sully is 6 months (just a few short weeks away!) and do BLW from the get-go. It's not that I'm opposed to purees or spoon-feeding, but the principle of letting your baby learn to chew before swallowing, and to explore food of all tastes and textures just makes more sense.
On another note, it'll be a miracle if I can get through half of the books on my summer reading list. Now that Sully doesn't take as long to nurse and rarely wakes in the night, I don't find myself with a lot of time left to read during the day.
On Repeat: So Jim and I haven't been to a concert in a looooong time, and if you know us, we used to be huge concert junkies (and have vowed to never actually calculate how much we've spent on concert tickets in the past). But then I got pregnant (and there was no way I could stay up late enough to go to a concert), and then we had said baby (who takes away all of your evenings) and we pretty much accepted that our concert going days were in our past. Which, for the most part, we were ok with because we've honestly seen pretty much every band we could ever want to see. Except for one band: Godsmack. And that's because they've never came to Canada as far as we knew. So when we heard Godsmack is FINALLY coming to not just Canada, but Edmonton (!!!), we bought tickets faster than Sully wakes up from a nap in his crib (10 seconds if you must know). Which brings me to what I've been listening to this past week: Godsmack (well in between The Thong Song and anything by Pitbull when Sully is in his jolly jumper). This is my all time favourite song by them: Heavier than my normal fair around these parts, so I warn you in advance (it's not always puppy dogs and rainbows over here).
Watching: Not a lot. Jim and I are on the last season of Lost but the momentum with which we were watching the earlier seasons has died down. We're anxious to finish the series though so we can start on something new! Sons of Anarchy? True Blood? Mad Men? How do we choose?! We're also watching How I Met Your Mother, which we are LOVING. The show and the characters definitely grow on you, and often I fight to watch an episode or two of it over Lost. I'm also 3 episodes in to Orange is the New Black, but I cannot get in to it! Not giving up yet…
Obsessed with: Eating up the freezer and pantry. I know, weird right? But every several months I challenge myself to buy as little groceries as possible and instead use up food that's been sitting in the freezer and pantry for way too long. Plus, we have one of those side by side fridge/freezer dealios and I don't know about you, but I find it impossible to keep tabs on what is hiding in the freezer. And I hate getting to the point where you have to throw out freezer burned food. So yes, this is what I'm obsessed with now.
Eating: See above!
Looking forward to: Our upcoming trip to Nova Scotia in less than a month! It will be our first time flying with Sully and we forwent our usual choice of flying red eye for a daytime flight because who wants to be that person on a red eye with a crying baby? Not us.
Your turn! Tell me 2 things you're currently up to in the comments below!
Or feel free to do your own Currently post and leave me the link so I can check it out!
Or feel free to do your own Currently post and leave me the link so I can check it out!
I'll have to check out that book! I'm so excited to start Sawyer on food, although he's not even four months, so we have awhile!
ReplyDeleteHaha, it'll creep up on you though! We just bought a highchair and I was not ready for that!
DeleteI booked concert tickets for May, just 5 months after Lucas would be born. It was for Ben Folds with the ESO. We saw him before and it was amazing, so I knew we had to go! It was our first official date. :) It was nice that it was earlier ... I doubt I could stay awake for a concert these days! Heck, before baby I couldn't stay awake ...
ReplyDeleteYay for BLW! Like I said, we have fun with it. :) If you ever want to chat about it, let me know!
Ugh, I know, I find it really hard to stay up late for concerts now that I'm in my 30s lol. Which is funny, because I'm a night owl. This concert starts a bit early, so hopefully it won't run too late!
DeleteYes, I will definitely be hitting you up for advice/suggestions once we start BLW. Again, so glad to hear you guys are having fun with it :)
Nova Scotia!?!? One of my favorite provinces ever!! I'm actually from PEI and I have a lot of family and friends in NS! What are you visiting for?!
ReplyDeleteAdam and I watched lost on Netflix and we were the same in the last season, almost wanting it to just be over. It's a good, yet really confusing ending! :)
My husband is from Nova Scotia! (New Glasgow/Pictou area) and his parent's still live out there during the summer months. We visit every year, but this trip will be extra special because it will be our first time as a family of three :) I've never made it over to PEI yet…we almost went last summer but I was in my first trimester and oh so tired and wasn't up for it. I think this trip we will spend a night or two in Lunenburg! Do you get back out there often?? I love that side of the country :)