Reading: I'm just finishing up Oxygen by Carol Cassella for book club tomorrow night. It's a fiction novel about an anaesthesiologist dealing with a malpractice lawsuit after a seemingly routine surgery goes sour. I'm enjoying it, as I do most medical dramas, but it's no page-turner.
I've also gone back to finish up Elaine Lui's book, Listen to the Squawking Chicken, as I abandoned the last 50 pages or so of it back in April. Partly because I lost interest and partly because I had to move on to my book club book. I have a hard time not finishing a book though, even if I've sort of lost interest. I attended Elaine's book signing here in Edmonton (which marked Sully's first bookish event!) and so I feel an obligation to finish the book. (Tip: take a newborn to a book signing with you and you'll get to skip to the front of the line.)
I've also gone back to finish up Elaine Lui's book, Listen to the Squawking Chicken, as I abandoned the last 50 pages or so of it back in April. Partly because I lost interest and partly because I had to move on to my book club book. I have a hard time not finishing a book though, even if I've sort of lost interest. I attended Elaine's book signing here in Edmonton (which marked Sully's first bookish event!) and so I feel an obligation to finish the book. (Tip: take a newborn to a book signing with you and you'll get to skip to the front of the line.)

On Repeat: I know I'm probably late to the party with this one, but I can't get enough of this song by Sam Smith right now:
Watching: I finished the final episode ever of Friday Night Lights last week (insert tears here) after dragging out the final season for as long as I could. I just didn't want it to end! Even though the show is about so much more than football, I actually ended up really enjoying the football aspect of it too. Plus, Taylor Kitsch is in it aka Tim Riggins. 'Nuff said. Texas Forever!
Jim and I are binge watching Lost and are now halfway through season 3. Jim is not a binge watcher of TV shows like I am, but this one has him hooked, and he often begs me to stay up late to watch "just one more episode". I must say though, this would have been a very frustrating show to watch in real time. Waiting a week (or more) in between episodes would have drove me crazy! (No spoilers!!)
Jim and I are binge watching Lost and are now halfway through season 3. Jim is not a binge watcher of TV shows like I am, but this one has him hooked, and he often begs me to stay up late to watch "just one more episode". I must say though, this would have been a very frustrating show to watch in real time. Waiting a week (or more) in between episodes would have drove me crazy! (No spoilers!!)
Obsessed with: The aroma from my French lilac trees. We only planted them two summers ago and I'm so happy with how well they are doing. They are right underneath the two windows in our family room and all I have to do is crack the windows to enjoy their sweet scent.
Eating: It's time to reevaluate my eating habits. I know it's unrealistic to want my pre-baby body back so soon after having Sullivan, but my not so stellar food choices are not helping the matter. I also have very little will power when it comes to saying no to sweets. But with summer finally here and with Sully now being a bit older and not needing to be in my arms 24/7, I am motivated to clean up my diet and stop relying on "convenient" foods. I have been cooking more often, but my snacking is what is really hurting me.
Looking forward to: Summer!! It's finally here. And book club tomorrow night! The book was my choice, and while that also means it's my turn to host, I'm taking book club to a nearby restaurant so that I can have a few hours out with my lady friends.
What are you currently up to? Any new songs I should be adding to my play list?
Let me know in the comments!
Aw, that's too bad that you lost interest in Listen to the Squawking Chicken. I read it a month or two ago and I really enjoyed it! Also, I don't blame you for being obsessed with lilacs. They smell SO good.
ReplyDeleteI think I can partly blame mommy brain on losing interest as it's been more difficult than usual to hold my attention when reading! (Hopefully this is just a temporary set-back!). I'm almost done now! :) My lilacs are almost all dead now, but they STILL smell good!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post! Sully looks sooo cute in that pic of you two, oh my those eyes! xoxox
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, I LOOOOOVE lilac trees! I wish we had some in the yard. Seriously one of my favourite smells! And yay for Lost! I'm such a binge TV watcher ... I started rewatching Lost for the third time a long while back but never did finish. I'll have to do a Downton one soon as well as Doctor Who!
ReplyDeleteElaine Liu was in town?? I never knew! I totally would've gone to the signing! Lucky you! :) And yay for baby's first book signing!
Oh gosh, the whole eating post-baby thing is hard! I was doing super good but then I got sick and went back to some old favourites ... it's been hard to get back on track again! I also preferred going out for walks with baby when it was cooler out. I'm SO not a hot weather person!
Three times?! That's impressive! Although, I can see why, as the plot is so confusing at times and there are so many details and characters to keep straight.
DeleteShe was in town, but I only found out a few days before the fact. She really didn't talk about the book though which was a bit disappointing - she talked and answered questions about celebrities and that area of her life. Did you read her book yet? (I remember you saying you ordered it).