Our little Sullivan turned two months old on April 21. Two months. I can already hear the broken record that I will become - how can another month have passed so quickly? This little man is growing up before our very eyes and it blows my mind how I can see changes in him every day. When you look down at your baby in your arms, you think they are going to remain that size and shape for a long time, but then each day, you realize they are changing quicker than you are able to accept. It's a fascinating experience.

Dear Sullivan, at two months you:
> weigh almost 10 pounds. You love to eat, but have been a bit of a slow gainer.
> are still wearing most of your newborn sleepers. You've grown out of a few of them, but only because you are long and have long arms. The next size up sleepers are still a bit big and when I put you in one, I often find both your legs in one of the sleepers legs.
> have finally graduated to size 1 diapers at around 7 weeks.
> have started smiling, big grinning smiles, right around the time when your Aunty Vanessa came for a visit, when you were 6 weeks old. There is no better feeling than when you smile at me or your daddy.
> are really strong! You can hold your head up for several seconds at a time when I am holding you against my chest.
> are a little kicking machine. You can scooch yourself quite a ways across the floor, on the bed and out of a swaddle just from your kicks. Your dad and I get quite a kick (pun intended!) out of watching your little legs just a motor.
> are enjoying baths more since we got you a wash pod.
> love to be worn by me in your wrap. You have some of your best naps in it.
> still enjoy car rides but only when the car is moving.
> are becoming more and more squirmy and noisy during feedings, with your top leg often kicking out into arabesque. Maybe you'll be a dancer like your mommy after all.
> have been getting out of the house all the time now, including outings to IKEA with your Aunty Patty, the grocery store, the mall for shopping dates, Boston Pizza for lunch dates and lots of trips to Gramma's place.