My last blog post was almost 5 months ago. It was shortly before Jim and I went to Nova Scotia for a few weeks in July, and I remember having had big plans for blogging while I was away, thinking 3 weeks was plenty of time to catch up on posts not yet written. Well, clearly that never happened.

The day before we left, I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. To say we were shocked is an understatement. We hadn't been trying to get pregnant, (yes, I know how babies are made), so at first the news was hard to believe! But a quick trip to the doctor's and some blood work later, the little digital "yes" on my home pregnancy test was confirmed to be correct. Jim and I decided before we left that we would tell our immediate family of our news, but no one else until we had gotten to the 12-week "safe" point in my pregnancy. Because we found out so soon before our flight, I had to tell my mom on the drive to the airport. Not how I ever imagined telling her I was pregnant, but I'm pretty sure she didn't care. At the time, my dad was in Europe, so we waited until he got home so we could tell him in person.

The neat thing about being in Nova Scotia so soon after finding out the news was that we could actually tell Jim's parent's in person. Jim's sister was also in Nova Scotia at the time and the odds that all of us would be in one room, in person, at the same time is pretty slim, so it was more than awesome being able to tell them all together.
So what does this have to do with not blogging? Well, let me tell you: everyone always talks about morning sickness (which, thank goodness, I never had) when you're pregnant, but what everyone had failed to tell me about was the sheer and practically debilitating exhaustion you will experience. I had about a week left in my three week trip when said exhaustion hit and nothing could have prepared me for it. It was like waking up hungover everyday without the actual drinking part. At the time, it seemed impossible that I would ever get my energy back, but then, true to everyone's word, some time after my first trimester was over, I noticed that I was no longer
exhausted. Tired? Sure. But who isn't most days?
So, blogging took a back-seat and catching up on shows on DVD took priority. My trip to Nova Scotia this summer is the first time I can ever remember not reading a book while on vacation. It was a little bit devastating, seeing as how I had taken 6 books with me. I was too tired to read, too tired to blog, too tired to read other people's blogs, too tired to care really. If I showered and actually blow dried my hair, it was a productive day. And then, when I started having more energy, I didn't know where to start blogging again. Writing just about books felt like too much work and I find myself wanting to write and talk about other things that I enjoy. So I've been brainstorming a lot about what direction I want to take this blog, and even renaming this blog, but we'll save that for another day.
This weekend I am 6 months pregnant. SIX months! That means I am more than halfway done cooking this baby. Baby Fraser's expected due date is February 22, 2014, and our little family of 3 cannot wait to become 4!