May 05, 2013

Saigon Sundays: When an Ordinary Stick Just Won't Do

The snow is finally gone and this gorgeous weekend has convinced us that summer really is just
around the corner! So what could possibly be better than fetch in the snow?
Fetch with a big hunk of wood in a field!

{I apologize for the few seconds where the video stalls at the beginning - I shot it on my 
phone and I have no idea how to edit a video}


  1. Oh gosh, this is Grace EXACTLY. She's the tiniest dog but goes after these massive branches off the trees and expects us to throw them for her without hurting her. She makes such a mess with them AND bangs them up the rail of the deck whenever she brings it up. It's quite funny!

    1. Haha! We try throwing little (normal-sized) sticks, and while Saigon gets excited and will chase it, he won't bring it you have to have an endless supply of sticks to throw! They must think they hit the jackpot or something when they find these huge branches/hunks of wood! :)

  2. Ahh so cute. Love the Saigon pictures. Mia's the same way--with sticks, the bigger & more ridiculous they are, the more she loves them.

    1. Right?! The little sticks - while Saigon will chase them - he will NOT bring them back! What kind of dog is Mia?

  3. Hahaha he is such a proud pup showing off for u guys like that. Can't wait to squeeze him, miss him so much!
