March 03, 2013

Saigon Sundays: Sombrero Un-love

One night when we were in Mexico, we wandered into the main gift shop and spotted these mini sombreros. 

 As if on cue, my sister and I exclaimed at the exact same time: "We totally have to get Saigon one!" (We may or may not have been under the influence of multiple margaritas at this time.)

Yup, I am one of those dog mamma's that buys her dog a souvenir while on vacation. Unfortunately, Saigon's sense of humour needs some work.

Of course I couldn't stop at just one photo. While Jim was vacuuming, Saigon hid out by the back door so I took advantage of his scared state. I knew he would be less likely to bolt: pose for embarrassing sombrero pic or chance an encounter with the big, scary vacuum? Sombrero for the win!