March 12, 2013

Despite My Best Intentions

Someone didn't want me to work out today.*  One of my new years resolutions this year was "Get Off My Butt", and I have to say, I've been doing pretty good with getting off my butt. Depending on the day, I can sometimes take a bodypump class (my favorite), on my way home from work. Even though I woke up tired and feeling like I was fighting a cold, I threw my stuff in my gym bag planning to work out after work today.  Because those "experts" always say, "don't let a little cold get in the way of your workout", right? Right.

4:50: Leave work (late).

5:05: Arrive at gym, sit in car for a few minutes to catch up on Facebook and Instagram.

5:15: Shit. It's been ten minutes. Damn you Instagram. Head into gym.

5:20: Start changing into workout clothes, realize I forgot my workout undies. Let's be honest here, I have "special" underwear that I like to workout in. Decide that I will suck it up and wear underwear that I have on.

5:23: Start to put my stuff into a locker and realize my gym lock is in my other gym bag. Because why have one gym bag when you can have two?

5:24: Panic because I can't possibly leave my bag and purse in an unlocked locker and I can't possibly bring all my shit into the always-packed 5:30 bodypump class.

5:25: Decide to run all my stuff out to my car. Even though I look like a fool in my workout gear and black boots.

5:26: Throw stuff into my car, which, I should add, is conveniently parked as far away from the main doors as possible because, hello!, this is the busiest time of day at the gym.

5:29: Sprint back into the gym, take off my boots and realize I also threw my gym shoes into my car. For F sakes.

 photo kristenwigg_zps652289c6.gif

5:30: Sit down on the front bench and hang my head in defeat. I can see the class has now started, I still need to fill up my water bottle and I still need to go pee.

5:31: Leave the gym trying to look all nonchalant as if I just finished up a workout. Shoulda just gone straight home from work to read Harry Potter.

*By today I mean yesterday, since that's when I wrote it. But I got distracted watching the 3-hour Bachelor Finale and forgot to post this.