Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Part II
So...I'm not doing to well with getting my Harry Potter Friday posts up on Friday...but better late than never, right? Right? I finished the book yesterday and HOLY SHIT. I still have so many feelings about everything that happened! I don't even know where to start. I'm also supposed to be packing for Mexico for tomorrow, but PRIORITIES. So for this post, I don't want to over-analyze and think too much about some of the things that I know don't make a whooooole lotta sense, I just want to keep all the feels that I'm feeling. Because PoA is definitely my favourite book in the series so far.

Also, *spoiler warning* for the rest of this post! (You know, if you're one of those rare people who hasn't read Harry Potter yet.)
Sometimes I felt dumb while reading this book and not being able to predict what was going to happen, or who was going to end up actually being bad or actually being good, because, come on, I'm not a 12-year old reading this for the first time, but seriously guys, I don't think I saw anything that happened in the end coming. I knew in the first half of the book that there were some things/people that seemed up to something or just not right, but I just didn't know what these things were going to amount to.
Quick run-down on my thoughts:
-I didn't want to say it in my last post in case I ended up being wrong, but I really wanted Sirius Black to be good! When the truth about him came out, I was SO happy. Those moments between Black and Harry, where Harry discovers the truth about Sirius, Pettigrew, Lupin and his father were my favourite scenes this entire series so far. And when Black asks Harry if he might want to consider living with him during the summers since he's he rightful guardian, I honestly had tears in my eyes. Of course, it was all too good to be true (for now), but I'm certain we haven't seen the last of Black just yet.
-So Lupin wasn't being poisoned by Snape like I originally thought, but I still don't like him. And while I'm relieved that Lupin isn't dying, his being a werewolf doesn't seem all that much better to me seeing as how he can no longer teach at Hogwarts anyway. I'm disappointed Lupin has to leave - he was one of my favourite new characters this book!
-I was so sure that Crookshanks wasn't really a cat - when actually it was Scabbers that wasn't really a rat. Crookshanks is one smart kitty. Although, if Harry, Ron and Hermione had been half as smart as Crookshanks, they would have listened to the sneakoscope back in Chapter 11 when it went off when Crookshanks and Scabbers were both near it.
-I know it seems a lot to expect a young boy like Harry to have killed Pettigrew when he had the chance, but I really wish someone had killed him. Why would they think he could be securely imprisoned in Azkaban if he's an Animagus? Wouldn't he be able to change into a rat and easily escape? That's how Black escaped after all. Poor thinking on all of their behalves, I gotta say. Even if they catch him now, what's stopping Pettigrew from turning into a rat again? MAKES NO SENSE. Although, I did love the whole idea of an Animagus.

Ok that's all I got off the top of my head! I really should go pack now before hubby loses it. Also, I apologize to any of you readalongers who are reading this - I don't have time to read anyone's posts for this week, but I will be back next week to make super-late comments on your posts! I also won't be having a post for the first part of Goblet of Fire as I will be in Mexico until the 26th, but I will do a double post the following Friday, promise!

I'm loving your Harry Potter posts, and I feel like I'm reading the books for the first time too, since we've had many of the same feelings. Have a great time in Mexico and I can't wait to hear about Goblet of Fire when you get back!!
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks Melissa! We had a fabulous time, it was hard to come home! And I'm sooo behind in the reading of Goblet of Fire, eek!
DeleteI didn't read this series till I was out of college and this book (and pretty much all of the twists) came as a complete surprise.
ReplyDelete"if Harry, Ron and Hermione had been half as smart as Crookshanks" - yeah, why were they so quick to ignore the Sneakoscope? You'd think they would have at least been like "Huh weird. That wasn't going off before..."
Have fun in Mexico!!!
Oh good. So I'm not a complete idiot ;)
DeleteBtw, there is a little book called magical beasts that JK Rowling wrote as a charity book that explains all of the magical beasts you find in the Harry Potter bools as well as in other mythological stories. Krookshanks is a magical beast. You can look it up in there or online:)
ReplyDeleteAh yes! I have seen this book in the bookstore! Maybe I will give it a go once I'm all done :)
DeleteBtw, there is a little book called magical beasts that JK Rowling wrote as a charity book that explains all of the magical beasts you find in the Harry Potter bools as well as in other mythological stories. Krookshanks is a magical beast. You can look it up in there or online:)
ReplyDeleteI'm SO glad the twists are still twists for you - definitely don't feel bad about that! I loved trying to guess what was happening in this series and being totally wrong all the way through.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a fantastic trip! Goblet of Fire might count as its own carry-on. It is large.
That's true - I'd rather not be able to guess ALL the twists, cause that's not really that fun either!
DeleteI almost had to remove Goblet of Fire from my carry-on when they asked me to weight it. I was *right* on the maximum amount allowed! Haha.
Going to Mexico?!?! Soooo jealous!
ReplyDeleteDude, I always fell for JK's plot twists. Fell for them as a 12 year old, would still fall for them in my mid twenties. JK's a genius, just can't be denied. She builds up the tension, distrust and denial so tightly that it's super cathartic when the truth spills out in the shack SO DRAMATICALLY and ugh brb dying of feels...
Though Snape is jerk almost all the time, I think it was pretty decent of him to brew all those potions for Lupin.
Phew, that makes me feel much better actually! And actually, now that I think of it, it's much more fun to fall for the twists - if I could guess everything then where would all the excitement come from?
DeleteI seriously get so excited for you whenever I read your thoughts about the readalong. Because Harry Potter is amazing. I loved PoA! I probably read it 10 times while waiting for more books to come up.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Mexico!
Haha, aw, thanks! Sometimes I do feel like a child writing these posts! ;)
DeleteBrie!! I'm sorry I haven't been commenting, but you know I've been reading and loving up all your HP posts. It is so fun for me to read the thoughts of someone who has never read HP. I'm kind of jealous, actually - I wish I could relive the experience again!
ReplyDeleteI always wonder if I would've been able to guess the answers to the mysteries in each book if I would have read the series when I was older. And I don't think I would have! Honestly, I think Jo is really just that good. And, oh the emotions from PoA! I was so pleased with the Sirius twist, as well. And also pissed that Pettigrew didn't get any retribution. But now he owes Harry a life debt so there's that...
Can't wait to hear what you think of the rest of the books! Hopefully, they'll just get better and better for you (although many people claim that PoA is actually their favourite).
Aw Aylee, you don't have to apologize! I'm glad you're enjoying the posts since I'm enjoying writing them :) Although, I am feeling a bit rushed with Goblets of Fire and part of me wants to slow down and read it on my own time because I know once I'm done the books...THAT'S IT! I'll never have these "first" moments again. It's sad!