So needless to say, I haven't been blogging lately. And I haven't even really been reading. I am in a rut you guys. I blog all the time in my head, but when I have the time to sit down at the computer, I just don't have the energy to type all those thoughts out. It's not necessarily that I have a
lack of free time in which I could read or blog, it's that when my plate is full, I'm
tired, so instead I read other people's blog, waste time on Facebook and Twitter and play games on my phone. Actually, I've played
a lot of games on my phone this past month. A lot. I know many people have a ton on their plates and are able to find balance, but I am not one of those people. When I have a lot on my plate, things like blogging, reading, cooking and house-work get neglected, and sometimes I have a hard time digging myself out of the rut I've fallen into.
This is all I want to do when I get home from work most days. |
Here's a quick break down (list of excuses) as to why I've been not-blogging and not-reading:
- I've been working two jobs. And yes, I appreciate that lots of people work two jobs, but this is about me here. For the past year I've been working part-time at a bookstore. I started one casual nursing position back in August, but once orientation was over, it didn't amount to any actual shifts. So I started another casual nursing position in October which has me working lots of orientation shifts and attending lots of learning work shops AND has the potential for me to pick up lots of shifts once I'm done orientation. It's fantastic, but very overwhelming! And trying to juggle that schedule with working odd-hour shifts at the bookstore was just getting to be too much. Not to mention I have a husband who apparently would like to spend more time with me and a dog that appreciates being walked everyday. I NEED STRUCTURE TO THRIVE. I like routine. Routine allows me to be productive. For some reason, when I have no routine, that is when I become the master of procrastination and wasting time. So, sadly, it was time to let the bookstore job go and focus on my nursing career again. I have one shift left next week. While I will miss the bookstore tremendously, I am excited to not have the stress of trying to juggle both jobs.
- I've started to over think my blogging and as I have gained more readers, I have become more insecure in my writing abilities. I am NOT a writer, I know this! BUT, I love books, and I do really love blogging. I need to stop treating my posts like book reports - over analyzing every little word and punctuation mark.
- I am so behind in writing about the books I've read in the past 2-3 months that I am overwhelmed just thinking about writing about them. When I'm overwhelmed, I procrastinate even more. I know I could just skip the books I've read and start anew from present day, but I want to talk about those books.
- Jim has been bringing home work to work on most nights lately, work which requires him to use our one and only computer. Obviously work that brings home a pay check takes precedence over blogging.
But wait, I have a plan! And writing said plan down is the first step, right?
Brie's plan to dig out of laziness and procrastination rut (because really, don't laziness and procrastination go hand in hand?):
1. Start writing what pops into my head and no looking back. I enjoyed The Grapes of Wrath readalong so much because I just
wrote. No over analyzing, not much proof-reading, just write and post. Which I would also think reflects the true me because I'm writing without thinking about it too much.
2. Catch up by writing mini posts on all the books I've read but haven't talked about on the blog. This is important to me to do because part of the reason behind starting this blog was to work on remembering the books I read.
3. Bring back Saigon Sundays. Mostly because my sister keeps asking about them, but also because I love doing them.
4. Invest in a second laptop.
5. Inform husband about step #4.
Now I just have to stick to said plain...